Automobile insurance fraud
Our commitment against fraud
How to prevent fraud?
Auto insurance fraud is a serious problem that drives up premiums and puts lives at risk. At The Personal, we are deeply committed to addressing auto insurance fraud head on, and protecting our clients – and their wallets – from the effects of fraud.
Did You Know?
Organized fraud rings reduce road safety and endanger innocent drivers by staging collisions to fraudulently collect claims money.
What The Personal is doing to fight auto insurance fraud
Our agents and claims staff are highly trained to identify signs of fraud, and our Special Investigations Unit are dedicated to identifying, investigating and working with law enforcement officers to prosecute the offenders.
Teaming up with Équité Association
Équité Association , Link opens in a new window. was created by the Canadian insurance industry to help fight organized insurance fraud. We’re one of many insurance companies that have joined forces to identify and prevent fraud in Canada.
Did You Know?
Organized fraud rings include numerous participants, are sophisticated, and target multiple insurers.
Because organized fraud rings target multiple insurers, Équité Association , Link opens in a new window. helps aggregate data from each of the participating insurance companies to identify fraudulent patterns and activities. For example, data analytics may discover that the same car was insured with three different companies over several years, and was involved in three separate suspicious claims. This is the kind of connection that an individual insurer can’t always make, but may point to an organized crime ring.
Your privacy is important
We take your privacy very seriously, and will always protect our clients’ personal information. Please be assured that Équité Association , Link opens in a new window. pools only claims and policy details that may be used to perform meaningful analysis.
See our privacy policy for more information.
Did You Know?
Insurance fraud costs as much as $1.6 billion in Ontario ever year, leading to higher premiums for all drivers.
Learn how to protect yourself
Staged accidents are one of the most common insurance scams, and one that can put innocent drivers at risk. To protect yourself from this particular kind of insurance fraud, here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Leave significant space between you and the vehicle ahead in case they suddenly slam on the brakes.
- Be wary when someone waves you in to merge or change lanes as they may be setting you up for a collision.
- Exercise extra caution when making a left hand turn, knowing the oncoming car - seemingly far away - could accelerate and hit you.
- Stay well into your own lane when making double lane left hand turns to avoid being sideswiped by the car next to you.
If you’re involved in a collision, always gather the other driver’s information, take photos of the scene, and collect witness names and contact information. Also, call the police from the scene and follow their lead – don’t take direction from a tow truck operator or the other driver(s) involved in the crash.
How you can help fight auto insurance fraud
We all play a part in preventing insurance fraud. If you suspect or know of an incident of insurance fraud, report it right away. You’ll help reduce the costs to policy holders like yourself, and possibly protect innocent drivers from injury and expense.